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May 7, 2012
Town of Princeton
Board of Selectmen
May 7, 2012
5 PM


Warrants and Minutes
Review and Approve FY12 Vendor and Payroll Warrant #23
Review and Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of April 23, 2012

Scheduled Meetings and Hearings
5:15    Underutilized Assets Committee
7:00    Attend Advisory Board Public Hearing

Old Business
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
Thomas Prince PCB Project
Review ATM Warrant & FY13 Budget

New Business
FY13 Health Care Benefit Recommendation
Police Department Transfer Request
Fire Department Transfer Request

Other Business

Public Comment

Executive Session


DATE                    MEETING/EVENT                   TIME                            LOCATION
May 14          Annual Town Election            12-8:00pm                       Annex   
May 15          Annual Town Meeting             7:00 pm                 TPS
June 4          Regular Meeting                         5:00 pm                 Annex   
June 18         Regular Meeting                         5:00 pm                 Annex